

Neal Johnson


Neal Johnson has lived and practiced in the Middle East for the past 35 years. His knowledge and contacts extend across the region. While primarily a transactional lawyer, Johnson has structured, overseen, and in one case testified in, 14 LCIA and DIFC arbitrations.

  • Harvard Law School (JD, 1984).
  • Harvard College (AB, Government, magna cum laude, 1980).
  • The New York State Bar Association.
  • United States District Court: District of New York.

Mawarid Holding Group.

  • Group General Counsel, 1991-2020, Riyadh KSA.

Jones Day

  • Member of Corporate Group/International, 1988-1990, Riyadh KSA
  • Member of Corporate Group/M&A, 1985-1987, New York, USA
  • Negotiation/documentation of many enduring Saudi/foreign equity and contractual joint ventures;
  • Management of 14 LCIA, ICC, and DIFC arbitrations;
  • Many cross-border and domestic equity/asset sales, including handling Middle East aspects of a sale of a global hotel chain;
  • Establishment of regional private television broadcaster and other regional businesses
  • Significant experience in franchised businesses in Saudi Arabia
  • Merger of two largest private television broadcasters in Middle East
  • Successful negotiation of non-litigious winding up of business relationships
  • Associated Professor, AlFaisal University College of Law and International Relations, and Al FAisal College of Business (2009-Present)
  • Numerous board memberships
  • Former Chairman, Middle East Council of American Chambers of Commerce

English (native).

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